Accompanying the King was his wife Queen Elizabeth, whose brother was killed at the Battle of Loos.
Patterson and his wife Queen have two children, Worthy III and Tanya.
The fact that he was not near the government also meant that his wife Queen Alexandra was left in charge.
His brother, Gyanendra and his wife Queen Aishwarya staunchly opposed Birendra's view.
He falls in love with the King's wife Queen Regina and gives her a hand mirror.
Henry's estranged wife Queen Eleanor takes control of Aquitaine.
She became his companion for the last years of his life, as his estranged wife Queen Marie Henriette died in 1902.
There is a legend that a King Magnus lost his wife Queen Helen in a storm and she is buried on a nearby hill.
The fort is named after King George III's wife Queen Charlotte.
In 1674, Hyojong's wife Queen Inseon's death.