My wife and I berate ourselves for not doing this years ago, for not getting away from land, for not joining all the other people who have real lives on the water.
My wife unfortunately shares in this opinion and frequently berates me for my enthusiasm for the game.
The wife berates Rufus for revealing his cheating to upset her after he had busted her with Sylvester.
Beer ad: coach and wife berate a ref.
The wife berates the bisexual lover as a murderous villain.
There was no violence, a far cry from the battle they had three years ago when Frank's wife berated him for listening to baseball's All-Star Game on the radio.
When Mike arrives without Sheila, the other wives berate him and Trina for having left Shelia to drive alone.
In later years he turned more lofty, and his wife berates him for allowing himself to seem invulnerable.
The wife had berated the husband, saying, "You sound like you want to know someone who died."
By his account, when his wife berates him by saying, "How could you be as old as you are and not know how to clean the bathroom?"