Neither the governor nor his wife would discuss their relationship with the Haydens.
"Did you and your wife discuss the trip before you left?"
He and his wife discussed divorce as a possible solution to their problems at the beginning of 1963, which she obtained later in the year.
Later, when we are alone, my wife and I will discuss what has happened here.
Several rooms away, James and his wife were discussing the same subject as they lay curled together in bed.
When he and his wife are discussing their work, I practically can't understand them.
'He alone is faithful to me,' said the man, and his wife never discussed it with him again.
Of course my wife and I never discuss the war.
Paterno, who turned 71 last month, said he and his wife had discussed making a major donation for 25 years.
Still, he and his wife are already discussing the relative merits of other regions.