We have never spent $200 for two, even the night my wife ordered a $70 lobster.
Frustrated, West goes to the store from which his wife had ordered the television and demands that they take it back or exchange it.
My wife, hope fading fast, ordered a glass of Champagne.
Come away from there, you old busybody, his wife ordered him.
Determined to take control of his situation, Bernstein asked his wife, a doctor, to order the instrument for him.
Your wife did not order him from a catalog.
It seemed that the gentleman had just paid a bill to Madame, probably for clothes which his wife had ordered.
My wife almost ordered a drink from a customer in a tux.
His wife ordered him to make Mewes leave the house, to which he reluctantly did.
At the first danger signal his wife had ordered the maid from the room.