The wife would be drawn till some time before the death of the painter and would subsequently represent also an important family reference.
This marked the first time in Canadian history that a husband and wife have simultaneously represented the same electoral district at two different levels of government.
Jean's two wives represent the poles of his temperament - the moralist and the sensualist - that struggle for dominance.
He once said "My wife does not represent me, and her views are not my views."
Potter's adored wife represented goodness and purity, but he also developed romantic obsessions with other respectable women.
For Mr. Lapine, the baker and his wife represent the human element interacting with a world of magic.
The sixty-four wives who said they were confident of handling an emergency on their own represented 42% of the farms in the survey.
A wife and children came naturally to him, considering his backgrpund, and represented the future he had planned for himself.
His wife represented to him how absolutely necessary such an attention would be from all the neighbouring gentlemen, on his returning to Netherfield.
In Turkey, the wife of the chief commander represents the mother of the military family.