Walter Lantz always insisted that his wife had submitted her audition tape for the role anonymously, and was cast before he knew it was her voice.
"Is it also scriptural that a wife should submit to a husband who cries to sodomize her with a hot curling iron?"
In January 2010, both Lewis and his wife submitted DNA samples and fingerprints to authorities.
You know, wives and husbands submitting to one another.
Before a deputy is posted to Gorman, his wife submits to what amounts to a job interview.
The husband must be head of the household, the wife must submit to him.
Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
Mr. Smith's wife, Jennifer Hagel Smith, submitted a statement before the hearing, but did not testify.
Quarterback Jay Schroeder's wife, Debbie, submitted a recipe for her husband's favorite pastrami.
All wives submit to their husbands.