His wife, Jan, testified at their divorce trial that during their 24 years of marriage she never knew how much her husband made.
That's how they prosecute wife beaters whose wives won't testify against them.
A wife, the law-books say, cannot testify against her husband.
However, Kerrigan's wife testified in the courtroom that her husband had committed the murder.
The wife, in contrast, testified that the changes reflected a joint decision.
Yesterday, the wife testified at her husband's trial that she was able to see him seconds before he beat her.
The Nevada state policeman said flatly that neither he nor his wife would testify.
His pregnant wife testified that he was home with her on the night of the murders.
"Your wife testified yesterday that she had been having an affair with him for almost a year."
The officers told him how to make a report and suggested that his wife testify.