This was also the first time a husband and a wife won the two top acting awards.
It seemed only natural that his wife should run as his successor - and win.
"And we also pray that his wife, who is in an election, wins a great victory."
The courts forced him from office, and his wife, Rhyta, won her husband's seat in a special election.
The husband led a trump against six spades, and the wife won with dummy's king.
I'd know whether his wife would someday win herself free to use her powers in the open.
His former wife, Mildred, had won custody of the children a year earlier when their divorce became final.
Khan dies after his wife wins a lawsuit to take him off of life support.
Horace's wife Anna had studied music, and this fact won them acceptance by the city's social order.
His wife finally won her argument that he should go to barber school.