She wiggled slightly in place, not yielding her ground.
His thin, unhealthy-appearing face was blank of all expression, but one big ear wiggled slightly as he looked at the bronze man.
She wiggled slightly in his arm.
If you cannot see or hear a swallowing pattern, watch the baby's ears, which will wiggle slightly when the baby swallows.
She set the second glass on the table and then folded her hands in front of her, wiggling slightly in place.
Her thin face was highlighted by eyes that shone with intelligence, and she had a long, thin nose whose tip wiggled slightly when she spoke.
Slowly a circle formed around the landing party, and the creatures settled where they were, shifting or wiggling slightly.
Mr. Forman's thin, waxed mustache wiggled slightly and seemed to brush aside my excuse-making.
The moving walls were not completely rigid and can be seen in some shots to wiggle slightly.
You may have to wiggle and twist slightly to get it out.