Dmitrak galloped in circles around him, laughing and brandishing the goat's severed head, adoring the warriors' wild acclaim.
Perhaps it's indicative of the decline in Hollywood standards that a skilfully assembled entertainment - no more, no less - should be receiving such wild acclaim.
Never had I heard such wild acclaim.
It was two days later before they rode into the Bar Y ranch yard, where they were met with wild acclaim by Willie, Wong .
"He was on the verge of wild acclaim," said Ms. Reidy of Simon & Schuster.
That news had been greeted by the Egyptian Mono-physites with wild acclaim.
Jobs introduced the Macintosh in 1984 to wild acclaim, but behind the hyped up launch there were financial problems at Apple.
Mitchell revived the art from 1992 until his death in 2009, usually to wild acclaim.
Mitchell's accompaniments were well known, and he received wild acclaim for his performances.
By all accounts - plaudits in the German-speaking press and wild acclaim from the young audience he has sought - he has done just that.