Those wild barbarians would like nothing better than to get their swords into a few score Roman bodies.
Despite the majesty, however, nothing can disguise the fact that Hok is basically a wild, fat barbarian; an animal.
And she thinks Southerners are wild barbarians.
He looked like the wildest barbarian that ever trod a battlefield.
They liked the young patrician who commanded them and they were proud that he should have captured the wild barbarian single-handed.
Yet now this wild barbarian commits outrages upon me!
One day, the "wild barbarians" (said to be inveterate robbers and even cannibalizing their own sons occasionally) decided to rob the community.
Dagnabbit didn't shrink from the barbarian's wild stare.
I had no intention of killing or hurting these wild, yet very successful barbarians of Terra.
What did she care what the wild barbarians, these northern Tribesmen, did, or their barbarian women?