This is enough to sustain populations of wild camels, jerboas, and other wild species.
There were, we learned, tens of thousands of wild camels in Australia.
These wild camel may be found in the reed oases on the north edge of the desert.
They were farther west, stalking wild camels in hopes of adding to their herd.
However, with so few wild camels, it is unclear what the natural genetic diversity within a population would have been.
The population density of wild Bactrian camels is calculated to be 5 animals per 100 square kilometers.
This has led to a concern of a loss of genetically distinct wild Bactrian camel.
Also known for their fine leather messenger bags made from wild camels native to the area.
Jaisalmer is also known for its leather messenger bags, made from wild camels native to the area.
Couldn't they somehow train those thousands of wild camels that they've got running about out there to hunt and stamp the cane toads to death?