Meanwhile, a wild chimpanzee walks out of the forest and joins the crew.
In this study, researchers tested this question for wild chimpanzees by using novel non-invasive methods.
He also laid the basis for the new field of zoopharmacognosy on discovering the potentially medicinal use of plants by wild chimpanzees.
This is documented in wild and captive chimpanzees.
A second paper has described the presence of P. malaria in wild chimpanzees.
A multitude of behaviors were recorded upon introducing the mirrors to these wild chimpanzees.
Incomplete sequences of bocaviruses have been obtained from wild chimpanzees.
These mothers obviously did not know that wild chimpanzees caught and ate human infants-something gorillas never did.
"Some basic traits of language in wild chimpanzees?"
But this behaviour was recently observed in wild chimpanzees living in dense forest, suggesting it could be an ancestral trait common to all great apes.