She grinned in wild exhilaration, brought his arms in, out again at will.
Cassie knew, with a feeling of wild exhilaration, that nothing would ever be the same again.
That he'd already endured all the terror and wild exhilaration one life could possibly contain.
A wild exhilaration filled him, and he found himself laughing with a laughter that was close to chest-tearing sobs.
It took some time before she was used to the movement, and then she felt a wild exhilaration.
I felt a wild exhilaration: the waiting was over, the battle had been joined.
It was the same old, wild exhilaration that one gets from rising from the ground on one's good days.
I was filled with a wild exhilaration.
He felt a wild, joyful exhilaration, as he always did.
Suddenly, in all his weariness, he had a feeling of antic pleasure, of a wild exhilaration.