Kang answered, pounding his two rocks together in wild exultation.
But the bitterness did not last long; on the contrary, a kind of wild exultation took its place.
Their speed grew, and with it a wild and reckless exultation.
For a moment of wild exultation, one thinks that the two are going to get on badly, even that Albert might break his neck.
His school-days were over, and he was free; but the wild exultation to which he had looked forward at that moment was not there.
And they knew that that wild exultation of relief was spreading through their whole fleet.
His heart was pounding with a wild exultation in his breast.
A sort of wild exultation grew upon him, such as he had sometimes felt just before the breaking of a tropical storm.
The great Shape towered there, laughing, tossing arms and long fiery locks in a wild exultation.
There is wild exultation at the Parliament building.