Protects species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade in these species.
It contains exciting real life photographs of wild fauna of South India.
On this world, the binary suns were setting; already night sounds of wild fauna echoed across the expanse.
That also affected the island's wild fauna, of which is little left in the pastures and crop fields of the inland.
Across Europe the Chernobyl-incident had likewise effects on wild fauna and flora.
He is a specialist in wild fauna, and an expert on the reintroduction of the lynx into the Vosges forest.
One of the significant bringing reform is conservation and protection of wild fauna and flora.
In the books following this, the world of Redwall is inhabited only by wild fauna.
The trade in species of wild fauna and flora must be regulated and controlled.
The reserve was creating by law on April 28, 1988 to protect both wild fauna and indigenous peoples.