Their way took them out into the wild grasslands where they vanished from the Greenway as silently as they had come.
The prison buildings, underground tunnels, Nike missile site, and wild grasslands became an inviting, but very dangerous, unsupervised playground for people of all ages.
Fear indeed must have driven you to ride this hard across the wild grasslands.
He turned towards the wild grasslands and smiled cruelly then whistled a huge swarm of black shadow rats about his feet.
Nevian lifted his arm and pointed out beyond the wild grassland towards World's End.
Fernleaf was pulling at his sleeve, pointing to a great company, turning him in the direction of the wild grasslands.
Open rolling country spread before them, clumps of dense trees stood sentry still, like forgotten chess pieces, knee deep in the wild grasslands.
Meanwhile the town is becoming a destination for vacationers who enjoy the wild grasslands, hills and canyons.
Of him hiking out over the wild grasslands with little more than the shirt on his back, gone for weeks, then amazingly returning unharmed.
Crested Dog's-tail (Cynosurus cristatus) is an ornamental plant, but also found in the wild typically in species rich grassland.