There was a wild jumble of drugs in the carton, most of them in small boxes marked SAMPLES.
In the dim light coming from the small fire behind her, she could see the wild jumble of lines and swirls sweeping diagonally across his face.
We get pieces and snatches and wild jumbles, but we never get a satisfactory record of what one of the great ones was transmitting to another.
EVERYTHING was a wild jumble to G-8 as his senses began to return.
Below them lay the planet's surface: a wild jumble of jagged gray mountains.
The cameras in the area showed a wild jumble of confused flickering images, but the ones mounted on the castle walls showed several tiny figures out on the plain.
Her thoughts were a wild jumble, flashes of places she had never seen, kaleidoscopes of feelings and instincts and memories just out of reach.
He blinked, his thoughts in a wild jumble.
There was a wild jumble of voices.
The little telescreen showed a wild jumble under them, but nothing in which they could hide.