For East Coast gardeners, he suggests cephalanthus, or buttonbush, which has fragrant little fuzzy flowers; for those on the West Coast, Ceanothus thyrsiflorus, wild lilac, which has showy blue flowers.
The man who ran the gas station in Sky Village emerged from a clump of wild lilac.
"And it isn't wild lilac."
Every wild lilac and wild rose, every white sage and rank jimsonweed, every heliotrope and creosote bush: gathered them all up in their hot embrace and borne them into the hidden channel of Coldheart Canyon.
Some of the plants found in the garden at its prime included Canary Island Pines, Eucalyptus trees, strawberry trees, wild lilacs, forget-me-nots, and Virginia creeper vines.
But his field trip in America looking for wild lilacs and pansies had to end when his services were required with Wellington in Spain.
On steeply sloping hillsides where thickets of wild lilac bloomed, the lark shook from his tiny throat a tumult of glad music.
The odors of jasmine, wild lilac, and oleander quarreled in Farrell's nostrils, making him sneeze pleasantly.
The memoir opens with Jennings in the dead of a bitter winter night, pushing his way past razor wire and wild lilac, to reach the canal behind London's King's Cross.
It was the same with the wild lilac, which Daylight had sent to him from Mendocino County.