Now, I prefer a deep-water wild oyster, which is a little fatter and sweeter.
Hence significant numbers of natural pearls are still found in the Australian Indian Ocean waters from wild oysters.
Fewer wild oysters populate the Chesapeake today than when the restoration programs began in the 1990s.
Local fisherman harvest about 500,000 wild oysters in the fall and winter from brackish ponds on the south side of the island, but quality can be uneven.
Over time it became a center for "oystering" (harvesting wild oysters) and was renamed Oysterville.
The release technique involves distributing the spat throughout existing oyster beds, allowing them to mature naturally to be collected like wild oysters.
The research tanks have held wild oysters, sea horses and tropical reef fish, she said.
There are two types of wild oysters in New Zealand, Bluff oysters and rock oysters.
Divers collect the highly valuable wild oysters by hand in the pristine waters off North West Australia.