The sentry who had sounded the call of the wild pheasant pointed wordlessly with the hilt of his assegai.
Most of my neighbours love children, and they are kind to animals, though they are not averse to eating their pet pigeons sometimes and wild pheasants.
The neighbouring Knockbody Wood is inhabited by wild pheasant and is a popular attraction for local pheasant hunters.
A wild pheasant erupted from the green leaves, bleating shrilly.
His research on wild pheasants took him to Asia from 1908 to 1911 and resulted in a series of books on pheasants.
In the 1980's, Bill traveled to China and was able to successfully import wild pheasants back to the United States.
MacFarlane was the only pheasant farm in North America to be able to supply true wild pheasants to the game bird market.
But the wild pheasant has lost its habitat, especially in the Northeast.
It is not as lean as a wild pheasant, certainly, but its breast is more flavorful by far than a chicken's, almost aromatic.
A single wild pheasant flew up the side of the hill almost brushing the tips of the grass in its flight.