That makes it only the third recorded case of maternal infanticide recorded in wild non-human primates.
Previously, the Barbary apes of Gibraltar were the only colony of wild primates in Western Europe.
What is the only wild European primate, and where does it live?
They worked hard, expended energy and ate wild foods appropriate for a wild primate.
These programs have largely been unsuccessful, since they were unable to break the sylvatic cycle involving wild primates.
Following the BUAV investigation, the company announced in 1993 that it would stop buying wild primates.
Scientists say they are now working to determine just how much ethanol is in the fruits that wild primates eat.
Monkey World works with foreign governments to stop the illegal smuggling of wild primates.
Population, ecology and behavior of wild primates in Mexico and Central America.
He was the first person to study the behaviour of wild primates and his observations continue to be cited in contemporary evolutionary biology.