This was a strange and wild stampede.
At 10am, as the twilight broadens, we set off, again with a wild stampede of canine energy.
Immediately he was picked up by a wild stampede led by Brodie.
They were still riding the wave, but it was tamer now, no longer the wild storm-driven stampede.
A wild stampede took place amid the surging crowd.
This was not considered an uncommon performance, as he had often entered saloons and commenced firing at the lamps, causing a wild stampede.
Drowsy Malays, roused by their pal's shouts, were coming out in wild stampede.
High overhead, something roared past with a gush of light, sending Margo back in a wild stampede, until she realized it was only an elevated train.
The running herd broke into a wild stampede, and the startled rustler wheeled with a curse of rage and raced toward Hopalong.
A wild stampede and a frantic sending- off of messengers took place at the other end of the telephone.