With the advent of freestyle, Anderson gained a means by which he could entertain the crowd with wild stunts while also focusing on winning races.
The money was used to stage some wild stunts.
This is no hoax, no attempt at fraud, no wild stunt or game.
When the rest of the audience howled with appreciation at a particularly wild stunt, Gul Demadak turned his attention back to the performers.
But for all his wild stunts, Josh's independent thinking is a perfect fit for the team.
God knew what wild stunt she might pull.
"But this has to be the wildest stunt he's ever tried ..." Jones read the message over and over.
A lot has changed since those days of wild and woolly stunts.
Spends more time cheering up the crowd than performing wild stunts.
What you seem to have here is some psycho who decided to crash my place to pull a wild stunt off.