The chair snapped back to vertical and she laughed, using one hand to push the wild tumble of dark hair up out of her face.
In the process Yuri found himself inverted, then in a wild tumble.
The hooded man, however, had gained too good a start by staking everything on his wild tumble.
His fall, he says, "was a wild jazzy tumble, choreographed more by Bob Fosse than by George Balanchine".
He hit the smaller man amidships, carried him with him in a wild tumble down the opposite slope.
Trying to move fast in that direction meant risking an- other wild, rolling tumble.
Hakan looked at him long and hard, then turned away and looked out at the crisp, starry night and the wild tumble of snow-covered rock.
The arcade pier was also gone; where it had been, a wild tumble of granite blocks ran down to the ocean.
Energy balls released out the back in a wild tumble, bouncing and rolling backward in a swarm.