Wild Venison for Sale Having wild venison for dinner usually means being a hunter or knowing one.
But now there is a new, legal source for wild venison.
Mr. Harnden said that any checks received after the supply of wild venison runs out would be returned.
In Britain, wild venison is sold in supermarkets as boneless joints, roasts and steaks as well as diced and marinated and in prepared meals.
In England, wild venison - free-range and organic - costs less than dog food.
The food, which included delicious wild venison, was faultless.
Although he cannot legally prepare hunted venison in the restaurant kitchen (no commercial establishment can), he will discuss how to combat the gaminess of wild venison.
His "art on plate" dishes live up to expectations, using only seasonal local produce such as scallop carpaccio, wild venison and pumpkin, and duck foie gras.
A survey finds that 56 percent of the deer hunters in the state, though aware of chronic wasting disease, are not concerned about eating wild venison.
The only wild venison that can legally be sold in the United States is imported, often from Ireland and Scotland.