The series combines 3D animated characters and wildlife footage to introduce animal facts and nurture young viewers' inherent love for nature.
Ross also filmed wildlife footage, squirrels in particular, usually from his own garden.
Each of the ten Inside Life programmes follows a lucky child as they accompany the Life filmmakers on expeditions around the world with the aim of capturing groundbreaking wildlife footage.
Your point on the implications of excluding humanity from wildlife footage is I think a good one.
Marx tells about himself, family and where he lives and show wildlife footage.
Similar shots of vast landscapes, which are particularly well suited for IMAX's large screen theaters, and entertaining wildlife footage is featured.
It's not like TV: I start to appreciate the time and effort that must go into capturing wildlife footage.
He said that the footage was "some of the most amazing wildlife footage ever taken".
The producers use aerial photography and wildlife footage to show how natural phenomena such as seasonal changes influence the patterns of life.
"The Bear" includes some gorgeous wildlife footage, but its true emphasis is not on wildlife.