There were also nature hikes and wildlife sightings.
Possibilities for wildlife sightings include grizzlies, caribou, moose and sandhill cranes.
In the current Private Beta version of the product, members can collect their wildlife sightings and outdoor experiences and share them with people all over the world.
Other wildlife sightings may include flying foxes, open-billed storks and proboscis monkeys.
Hopes for exotic wildlife sightings may be dashed, though, unless one visits in wintertime when mountain lions and bobcats are more visible.
Heavy use makes wildlife sightings uncommon.
Dunlow is noted for its wildlife sightings.
A gallery featuring rare and unusual wildlife sightings in Wales.
Other postings include things like wildlife sightings, various farm produce for sale, notifications of community meetings and general events.
Popular tourist activities include cruises, visits to research sites and wildlife sightings.