Here the critics have a point, but they exaggerate wildly.
"Oh - a kind of mixture of all the lot," said Snubby, exaggerating wildly again.
Unless he was wildly exaggerating, this concerned more than just a megadeath in a football stadium.
He is something of a braggart and has been know to wildly exaggerate his romantic conquests.
No doubt people are panicking and exaggerating wildly.
Had she not wildly exaggerated the significance of the advertisement?
Brown issued an apology in which she said she had been "showing off and wildly exaggerating."
"Surely you fellows are exaggerating wildly," cut in the clear voice of Inspector Ratcliffe.
Both trends began with a genuine connection to reality, then wildly exaggerated it.
Both the Russians and the Chechens are wildly exaggerating each other's losses.