Berchmans wilfully ignoring the point of the article - whatever next?
He has accused the IAEA and corporations of "wilfully ignoring lessons from the world's worst nuclear accident 25 years ago to protect the industry's expansion".
She suggests that Williams wilfully ignored it.
Participants who seriously, persistently or wilfully ignore the community standards, participation guidelines or terms and conditions will have their posting privileges for all the Guardian community areas withdrawn.
Mr King and the MPC/BOE wilfully ignored the lessons.
This article wilfully ignores the cause of the current crisis which is excessive GOVERNMENT spending.
I know we share that view, but America retains its affection for skeletal regulation, and the reality of this recession shows that those who wilfully ignored bad practice are now suffering most.
They'll be blinded with the stuff they like and wilfully ignore the bits that are darker, until the darkness consumes them.
The Chancellor has failed to think through the long term consequences, or more likely just wilfully ignored them.
She wilfully ignores him, visiting the head of the education board to plead Maruge's case.