A haughty, willful, and capricious girl, she refuses to publicly admit her love and in fact often openly mocks him.
But the willful girl wouldn't go.
In her dotage now, but in her heyday, what she taught me about breaking the spirits of willful young girls!
Her first child by Daniel became a willful and grim young girl, Carlotta by name, who was of a strict Catholic mind from the beginning.
They see a willful girl who is different from them and it makes them afraid.
We spoke to Tyisha, to try to guide her, but she was a very intelligent, strong-willed, willful little girl.
He remembered her as a headstrong, willful girl, with the potential of great beauty some day.
She grows from a wiry, willful girl into a loving, kind woman who falls in love with a "grand homme," a member of the ruling class.
Because the mission to the Vines was more (105) important, even to Gail, than one willful arrogant girl.