His credit report, he said, was "slanderous, defamatory, humilating, embarrassing and a severe example of a willful intent to injure an American citizen."
Judge Greene said the prosecution evidence was circumstantial and did not substantiate a case of willful intent to bribe.
Sins can also be by error and negligence or with willful intent.
What differentiates a civil from a criminal cases comes down to a single phrase: a "knowing and willful" intent to break the law.
Some had demonstrated willful intent to deceive the public, he said, while others had merely shown negligence or failed in their fiduciary duties.
Is there a willful intent on it?
Everyone knows I believe no law requires me to pay taxes, so there is no willful intent to commit a crime.
So they can't legally convict me of tax evasion or any other crime that requires willful intent.
This means she was not found guilty of a willful intent to evade income taxes.
Tax evasion is a felony that involves willful intent to break the law.