But I am guilty of this act and whatever punishment you think I deserve I will suffer willingly.
To keep my promise to Ilayne, I would willingly suffer the eternal blackness.
Bink willingly suffered himself to be led.
How many atrocities will you fools willingly suffer and continue to smile and sing the song?
These sacrifices-the long hours, inadequate sleep and irregular meals-I suffer willingly and without complaint.
Nothing more acceptable to God, nothing more healthful for thyself in this world, than to suffer willingly for Christ.
Rather should we suffer willingly the consequences of our thoughts and acts in order that we may be free.
Mary suffered willingly under the cross and, in a sense, offered His sacrifice to the Eternal Father.
It was too much to ask of Lan and he would not willingly suffer it himself.
I'd never willingly suffer the indignity of being carried by a human.