Michael took a wilted flower out of the vase, replaced it with the fresh one he had just picked.
With more than 90 million people suffering from chronic bad breath (also called halitosis), that's a lot of wilted flowers.
Then it's like water to a wilted flower.
There was a small box out front holding a few wilted flowers and a naked flagpole.
That one word, and the whips stopped, drooping like wilted flowers.
There was even a small bunch of wilted wild flowers standing in a cheap blue china vase.
They fell like wilted flowers onto the plastic-coated loading surface.
On the subway, their heads hung forward like so many wilted flowers, bobbing with the movement of the train.
Yesterday, Amani lay in her mother's arms like a wilted flower.
Ce'Nedra began to droop in her saddle like a wilted flower.