The wily fox did not want to attract attention from the battle area by burning the longboats.
With a sack upon his back the wily fox roamed from room to room.
Now what says Macumazahn, the wily old fox, who has seen much, and loves to bite his enemy from behind?
The magazine took its name from Ivan Franko's book about a wily fox.
"He's a wily old fox, they say, who always gets the best for his men!"
He wouldn't put it past the wily fox to have professional killers stationed at strategic intervals, but so far there had been no enemy action.
Some part of his mind still rooted for a solution, like a terrier after a particularly wily fox.
They were wily foxes, and worse about joking when the two of them were together.
"Well, he did not reckon to find me too old and wily a fox to see through his tales."
The wily old fox is probably leading them a merry dance.