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"But we Americans have got to stop being trade wimps."
The two women with us thought we were complete wimps.
You little wimps are just afraid to take the next step.
If "some of those people want to be wimps, let them," he said this week.
There were a couple of wimps, but good looks dominated.
"Wimp" was all she had to say about that admission.
Most of them are the biggest wimps you've ever seen."
"That's because humans are the wimps of the animal world."
Men who accept the blame for this result are, indeed, wimps.
Plus the wimps can have a coffee first to line their stomach.
It came back on almost instantly and the wimps started to pour through.
It's time to hear about Iraq from us feckless wimps.
Rebuilding, the Giants seemed to say by not saying it, was for wimps.
These guys were known for being scrubs - you know, wimps.
Makes us look more like wimps instead of seriously disgruntled workers.
"It is a sad thing to see the church being administered by wimps," he said.
He added that the villains in the books are "wimps."
Life in the country is tough, a little bit dangerous and not for wimps."
Why I hear that you'll society gals do this all day cause your men is such wimps.
Over his shoulder he calls to me, "They're built like wimps.
"I'm really homesick because the people out here are wimps," she said.
Republicans made the Democrats look like wimps that year, and the label has stuck.
Wimp is a fine coach, and I took that as a compliment."
We don't have to be heroes, and our alternative is not being wimps.
Sure, I knew some of the wimps in the squadron were worried about flying with me.