China failed, at least temporarily, to win entry when talks on admission fell through last week.
Cage won entry into the match on the June 14, 2007 episode of Impact!
Both men will probably have won entry to the "great" category by the time they retire.
We at Boces won early entry in the field, and we received a $39,000 grant to plan a program.
So far, none of the local Bells have won entry to the long-distance market.
If she won entry to the Tourney, she would in time find herself confined to the alien planet.
His boyish good looks and enthusiasm won entry and acceptance everywhere.
More recently they suggested that food aid could win entry.
Administration officials insist that only the neediest children and their parents will be admitted, but some Cuban refugee groups expect most families to win entry.
Two years later, however, after its failure to win entry to the key New York City market, the company failed.