A lot of people have told us we've been playing better than last season but we haven't produced winning football.
So much turmoil that the Raiders simply did not and could not concentrate on winning football.
In 1992, they became the first African country to win a medal at Olympic Games football.
He reminded me that the key to winning football at my position was that the lowest man wins.
"Just too many mental mistakes by myself and not enough winning football, and that's the bottom line," he said.
In 2007 the u11 team went to Dublin for a match and won the south east division hurling and football.
You can call it what you want, but that is winning football.
You have to look at the whole issues of winning football and restoring tradition.
In 2011 the college won the men's hockey, football and basketball inter-collegiate premierships.
The club has been successful at minor and U21 level over the years winning a hurling and football double in 1985.