In 2003 he won his second gold medal in the Swiss Cup.
However, the term grand slam, provided a Bulls win in the Philippine Cup, is disputed as of the moment.
His greatest success, however, was in pair skating where he and Scwartz won the bronze medal in the 1988 European Cup.
Silva joined 1 Dezembro at 16-years-old and won the League four times in succession, as well as the Cup.
Still, the team had won a valuable bronze medal in the Hungarian Cup.
Aided by a host of Australian-based players, Philippines won the match 86-0 in the first Asian Cup.
In May 2010, Gordon won her first film role in The Cup.
She won the Mediterranean Games of 1997 in Bari and the European under 23 Cup in 1994.
Her club won gold medals in both the League and the Cup in 2008/2009, and again in 2009/2010.
Bondarenko won the all-around in the 2004 Russian Cup in Moscow leading into the Olympics.