Job won the game in the second period of overtime with a 20-yard scramble for touchdown around the left end.
Down on the ice, the Islanders were winning 2-1 in the second period.
But the Tigers, who have won one title in the same period, boast of having the rowdiest fans.
Alabama held the lead through the fourth quarter, but Tech scored ten points to win in the final period.
Quite possibly the most remembered moment of the entire series came when the Ducks were winning 3-1 in the second period.
As a professional boxer, he won 39, lost 6, and drawn 12, in the period of 1945-1950.
Mike Morello's 27-yard field goal won it in the final period.
In five straight games, they have either won in the fourth period or put themselves close enough to win.
Evans was involved in nine such races and won three of them in the period 1938 - 57.
Argentine sailors won 14 world championships in the 20-year period between 1991 and 2010.