The match was contested between players of the 2008 Copa Libertadores winning squad, and members of the Ecuadorian national football team.
At the Island Fire, J.K and Joel told the teams that they had two chances to win members of their opposing team.
Participants are given the opportunity to work and study under award winning members of the theatre community.
This concession won the support of Stupak and members of his group and assured passage of the bill.
In 2005 and 2006 the senior theatresports team won various competitions as well as individual members performing in the NZ comedy festival.
The three merging unions have won members outside their base industries: About 62 percent of the U.A.W.'s members work outside the automobile industry, for example.
The theater has already made progress in winning back older, more established members.
WiN members faced no resistance, they took jewelry and some paintings and left.
However, by the end of the competition she won over the jury members with her skill at posing, and her walk.