She won the match 5 -4 and won the largest prize money to that point in her career of $110,000.
The Jackpot round, if the player chooses to play it, is always worth £25,000 and negates any money won to that point.
If the player did not hit 21 in four tries, they kept all prizes won to that point.
(Beckham had actually won 94 caps up to that point.)
Bill Elliott experienced a much more consistent season in 1992, winning 4 races up to that point, and earning 16 top-10 finishes.
A Good Start The Jets won 10 of their first 11 games last season for the best record in the league to that point.
However, the contestant could stop at any time and keeping what had been won to that point.
If anyone misses just one question, the contestant loses all that was won to that point.
If time expired, the contestant was forced to walk away with any money won to that point.
Alexander, with both hands bleeding, won the match by the largest margin in Ryder Cup history to that point, 8 & 7.