Clemente won the season's batting championship with an average of .396.
Martinez became the first player in 41 seasons to win the batting crown with an average above.400, registering .424.
Ms. Couric, who easily won the ratings race last week with an average of 10.2 million viewers a night, was down substantially on Monday.
In 2007, he won the American League batting title with an average of .363.
NBC won in the prime-time ratings with an average of 12.7.
Despite this district's increasingly Republican tilt, Hall won 10 more terms as a Democrat with an average of 60 percent of the vote.
"Surprise, surprise: I won with an average of 57 percent in the entire state."
However, Holliday went 2 for 6 and won the title with a batting average of .340.
I won with an average of 46 miles per gallon on the freeway.
ABC, which usually takes third place, won the ratings for the week with an average of 19.4.