A confused weather department could say only that the winds were approaching gale force, and that there was no practical end in sight.
The wind approached the boy and touched his face.
The wind was approaching gale force and the waves became steeper, but they had little effect on the big containership.
The plan failed when the wind disappeared completely at noon, and by 15:00 two French ships of the line had approached within gunshot.
The wind at kickoff approached 40 miles per hour but died off after the first quarter.
Prevailing winds approach from the south.
The winds approached the edge of being too vicious for flight.
On August 15, convection organized into bands, and as its winds approached hurricane strength, an eye developed within the storm.
"We've only canceled two shows over the years, one when hurricane-force winds were approaching and the other because of the artist's illness," she said.
There were times, in the gusts, when the wind must have approached a velocity of seventy or eighty miles an hour.