The threats can be particles, light, wind blast, heat, sea spray or some type of ball or puck used in sports.
Motorcycle helmets have face shields that protects the eyes against wind blast, dust, insects and impact in the event of a crash.
The mat continued to speed up until the gentle containment field activated to shield me from the wind blast.
A tremendous wind blast gave him the feeling that his head was being pushed into a pillow.
It took serious effort to combat the strong wind blast provided by both the plane's 80-knot forward speed and the prop wash of the big propeller.
Three feet behind him, his father was laughing into the wind blast.
The wind blast will dry you out in a hurry.
These wind blasts can start to rotate and form minor whirlwinds.
Harm minimisation seeks to minimise the damage to persons and machinery if a wind blast does occur.
There he investigated stress effects of motions, sound and wind blast, but his main focus was on bionics, a term he coined in 1958.