The wind exceeds 75 miles an hour 104 days a year and the summit is in the clouds 60 percent of the time.
The turbines provide no power in a calm, of course, or when winds exceed about 50 miles an hour, for safety reasons.
You may expect light turbulence on approach when winds exceed 10 knots.
In some cases the wind loading factors far exceed the static load values.
Once under way, racing was canceled if winds exceeded an average of 23 knots or more for five minutes.
The highest rating ever given a tornado is F5, with winds exceeding 260 miles an hour.
With these factors combined, winds exceeding hurricane force occur an average of 110 days per year.
At the high end, racing was postponed if winds exceeded 19 knots.
International and United States rules say that, for record purposes, a following wind cannot exceed 2 meters a second, or 4.47 miles an hour.
These winds seldom exceed twenty-four kilometers per hour except during hurricane season.