And then the wind came, smack out of the blackness, with the abruptness of thunder and accompanied by the most diabolical thunder.
A wind smacked Chess aside.
The wind smacked the water and the pre-rain sky was pale and angry.
Stunned and disoriented, she tried to get to her feet, but the wind smacked her flat again, pressing her into the damp earth.
The wind smacked at his lean, work-honed frame again and he slid on the mud, the light briefly aimed to his right.
Gusty wind smacked fat drops of rain against the back of Kahlan's head.
That's quite a drop--though in low winds the odds were I'd smack into one of the rec balconies where the tower widened below.
The wind smacked it against the side of the tent like a flung stone.
It commands our attention all year through, though the northwest winds smack suddenly into the cabin in the winter and we feel the need to board the windows until it passes.
Despite Varian's efforts to anchor the vines the wind smacked him against the stone.