He lit a couple of matches but the wind streamed them out before he could even cup his hands around them.
I whispered, as the wind rose and streamed across the sea, and the air came alive with salt spray and the shaken cries of birds.
The wind from the north blew our hair from our brows, and streamed our garments behind us.
And the wind caught her hair and streamed it across her face in a dancing, snapping black tangle.
The wind streamed and whistled.
The wind of the thornwing's flight streamed over him, yet he was basted with sweat.
The sky was dark grey with cloud and a stiff cold wind streamed in from the sea.
Jack raised his own, and the wind took his bright yellow hair, tearing it from the ribbon behind, and streamed it away north-westward.
The wind was streaming her black hair and moulding the tattered dress to her body.
A broad, cool wind streamed pauselessly down the valley, laden with perfume.