Almost as remarkable, he was the only bare-headed man in Montana, the wind teasing his dramatically barbered hair.
The wind was flap- ping her big hat and teasing a curl of her chestnut-colored hair.
The wind teased a handful of feathers along the gray pavement.
The wind ruffled Aenea's hair and teased waves from the river.
The wind teased the pennant and a great, defiant cry arose from the Aurolani ranks.
She stood very still, the wind picking up strands from her braid and teasing them into a dance.
The Anishinaabe believe that we see him each time the wind teases the leaves and soil to dance.
They fell in a rustling heap which the wind riffled and teased.
The wind teased his silver fur and spread the hairs of his tail against the rock.
The wind teased the streaming torch on the edge of the encampment near them and she saw the shadows playing on his face.