The winds, coming from the west outside the stadium, wreaked havoc on any airborne football.
Strong winds from the storm wreaked havoc as far inland as San Antonio, Texas.
When it was replaced with another flag, it also ripped into two, the winds wreaking even greater damage against this one than the first.
The wind on the wharf would wreak havoc with it anyway.
When the wind wreaks havoc there on Sunday afternoons, a punt can resemble a balloon that has been filled with air and let go.
The wind can wreak the same havoc as on a course on the coast of Scotland.
While only about one-quarter inch of rain fell on the city, according to the National Weather Service, the wind wreaked havoc.
Unless you live in a tropical paradise, the dryness, cold, and wind of winter can wreak havoc on your skin.
The winds are steadily wreaking more destruction, and the earth can no longer sustain the billions who must eat.
And the authorities predicted its churning outer winds would wreak havoc across the rest of the island.